The Force Awakens begs a lot of important questions about the state of that galaxy far, far away. Two of the loudest are: Why did Luke check out and who are Rey's parents?
Like many, many others, I have my theories. Both of those questions can be answered by what happened to Luke during the past three decades. The best explanations and evidence of what happened to Luke and Rey are already in the seven films. The answer to these
mystery boxes mysteries is already within us. Search your feelings. You know it to be true...
After watching the OT, one can walk away with the theory that Luke didn't agree with the old Jedi code and would likely forge a new one. One that isn't so black and white (no Empire puns intended). In ESB, Luke chose his friends/family over his jedi training (much to Kenobi and Yoda frustration). It seemed like a rash thing to do. You can argue Luke's (almost fatal) decision to face Darth Vader for the first time was boneheaded and a miserable failure (says Luke's right hand). Yet, Luke finds out the truth about his father. It certainly is a true he'd prefer not to hear ("Noooooooooeeeeeeewwwwaaaaaaahhhhhooooo"), but it's THE TRUTH. So Luke goes back to Dagobah. Yoda tells him his training is complete (wait, what?!!) and Obi-Wan tells some more truth...from a certain point of view. Much to their dismay, Luke insists his father is still good. Darth Vader? That guy? The guy who chokes his own officers? Really? Yep. Luke confronts Vader again, this time with the Emperor. He does his non-violent Gandhi thing. Vader cedes to Anakin, kills the Emperor and thus, arguably, fulfills his Chosen One prophecy. Luke 1, Team Old Cranky Jedi 0.
The big take-away: Luke embraces the gray - the gray all us regular folks understand. The less idealistic, and more realistic view that rules, laws and codes are important, but so are people and relationships. [
aside: You know who else embraced a more gray Jedi philosophy? Qui-Gonn Jinn.] As we fly through life we learn many of us are neither totally bad, nor totally good. [Aside: Personally, I think there is more good out there than the few spoiled apples that get more air time than the bunch.] Most of us are a mixed bag of everything. Most of us are travelling straight up the middle of the road, trying not to veer off too far off road one to one side or the other. There's plenty of classic literature that reminds us of this...So,
aaaaaaanyways, when it comes time to starting the New Jedi Order, I'm sure Luke incorporated more of his own life experiences into his new jedi rules - melding old ways with new. As I'm sure Luke may have tinkered with some of the rules of the Jedi Code, one think is certain, the first thing to be altered was the misguided idea of forbidding attachment.
Luke: And Sacrifice Han and Leia?
Yoda: If you honor for what they fight for...Yes!
Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness.
Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours.
Luke has clearly learned the value of teamwork, family and attachments. Part Luke's joy of building the jedi order from the ground up probably coincided with starting a family of his own. What would really make sense is Luke marrying someone who will share the duties of starting this New Jedi Order. Perhaps his first padawan (btw - I'm sure Luke ditches the age requirement - as he's proven that was nonsense - and met/found someone his own age)? Perhaps a reformed Imperial operative? [wink, wink] Together these two lovebirds begin a new way of thinking, jedis sharing ideas about the force with everyone who will listen... Everything is a stunning success. Later, this couple welcomes their first child, [insert real name here]. For hoots and hollers, let's just call her Rey.
Rey is a natural. She's incredibly strong in the force. Regardless of when (and if) she starts training as a jedi, she is clearly, naturally, one with the force. She will be the first purebred jedi, perhaps, ever. One person who takes note, and exception to this is her cousin, Ben the mutt. Ben is named after Ben Kenobi (that first name is an alias - hmmmm), was of one of the greatest jedi of all time. Ben is Son to Princess Leia (legendary political hero, force-sensitive), Grandson to Anakin Skywalker (arguably the most powerful jedi ever)...who also happened to be Darth Vader (the worse guy every)...Oh, did we mention Ben's father is Han Solo (smuggler, reluctant soldier, the Bad Boy with the Heart of Gold). Rey Skywalker 1. Ben Solo 0.
In contrast to Rey, Ben Solo has grown up with the truth. Unlike his Uncle Luke, he has always known his heritage. Unlike Rey, to Ben Solo Luke, Anakin, and Darth Vader are all real. No myths. It can easily be seen how it may have gone to his head. As a teenager, is it not obvious why the Darth Vader legacy in your family is much more attractive (and interesting) than Anakin Skywalker? You're the grandson of, arguably, the most powerful (key word) jedi ever. You want to finish what he started: to bring order to the galaxy, er, be the ultimate power in the universe. Maybe there is someone who can give him the easier way to get there than ("Patience!") Uncle Luke?
In the meantime, Ben is not daunted by his cousin's awesome and pure abilities. Sure, he's a little jealous of his overachieving cousin but he's focused on increasing his own abilities. As she easily could find her way on the Principal's List on ability alone, not because her folks are the teachers, he had to work like a dog to make Honor Roll. Still, he's one of the Jedi Academy's star pupils. He's a plugger, a self-motivated worker...albeit with a short temper (something he may have picked up from
both parents)? He's pretty good, not great. What's keeping him from greatness? Is Uncle Luke holding him back? Perhaps he starts to look elsewhere to become more powerful. Who takes notice of this? A sith-wannabe who sees Ben Solo as his ticket into authentic Sithdom. His name is Snoke. How does he seduce Ben to his side of the tracks? He's a bookworm too. A real history nut. Palpatine was probably even a close friend. Maybe he was one of those advisor dudes in the blue and red duds you see in ROTJ. So he
knows things. On the side, he's teaches Ben force tricks (intentional choice of words) that no jedi has been ever been able to do before. Ben is a quick learner with Snoke. But he's not a finished product. What's the rush?
But the seduction to the darkside begins...
I will finish what you started - Kylo Ren
If you choose the quick and easy path, as Vader did, you will become and agent of evil. - Yoda
LUKE: Vader. Is the dark side stronger?
YODA: Quicker, easier, more seductive.
LUKE: But how am I to know the good side from the bad?
YODA: You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi
the Force for knowledge and
defense, never for attack
Around the age of fifteen, Ben Solo runs away. Not only is he running away from the Jedi Academy, but running away from family and the light side. Snoke's promises of advancing his training and power are too good to pass up. This defection devastates his parents. They had sent Ben to Luke in hopes of showing him the "power" of the light side (kinda like a more positive spin of the old military school threat) and giving him some sense of purpose. Did that decision start Han and Leia pointing fingers at each other? And once Kylo runs away it completely splits them apart? Han and Leia retreat to their respective corners without ever settling anything. He reverts back to his smuggler life, she buries herself in her work (The Resistance). More self-exile? Ben's running away only reminds Leia that although Luke has turned out alright, they are all still relatives of the House of Vader. This just reaffirms her decision to never be trained as a jedi herself. There's just too much potential for danger. Maybe it's time to give up the ghost on the Skywalker Doomed to Failure Jedi cycle? Apparently, failure is the true Skywalker destiny.
Snoke and Ben make their dark side quest official by forming the Knights of Ren (possibly with other Jedi Academy defectors). Thus Ben Solo "dies" and is resurrected as Kylo Ren.
(By the way, when Ben runs away he takes a piece of his father with him. His father's priced possession. The object that is his father's identity. The Millennium Falcon. One more way of sticking it to Dad.)
Luke senses what's next. He knows Snoke and Ben will return to wipe out the strongest opposition to the dark side. Against his better judgement, he finds some trusted friends (maybe force-sensitive friends?) who promise to watch over Rey until this is all over. Even if Luke and the jedi fail against the dark side, he knows his daughter will be in good hands (could this be "the clan" mentioned in so many TFA rumors?). Who better than Luke, and Leia, to understand the benefits of hiding out with adoptive parents?
Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice. - Yoda
As Luke has continued training new jedi, the Knights of Ren have begun their "war" against the light side. Their ultimate goal, the final showdown, is to execute their own Order 66 and establish themselves as the ultimate power in the universe. But things get personal first. Kylo and the Knights of Ren have discovered where Rey (and possibly her mother?) is hidden. As they have been collecting old Sith relics, they are destroying jedi relics. One relic Kylo is after is Anakin's old lightsaber. Somehow he knows Luke's wife has it on her. Once and for all, as revenge for holding him back and to prove his power (and domination of his weaker light side), Kylo and the Knights of Ren wipe out "the clan", Rey's adopted family, possibly Rey's mother (thus obtaining Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber only to have it swiped by Maz Kantata) and have their eyes set on Rey, the New Hope, the golden symbol of the jedi/light side. One of the Knights is about to do the deed when Kylo kills him. At the last second, Kylo realizes what he's about to lose - the most powerful ally he could ever hope for. The ultimate apprentice. Kylo spares Rey's life but has to fight his fellow knights to keep his prize. But now what? How will he explain what just happened to Snoke?
In a panic, Kylo takes her to a planet where no one would bother to look for anyone. A worthless planet on the Outer Rim. A "junkyard" no less. He knows he can't just leave her there. He needs someone who will keep Rey under his/her thumb. Someone pragmatic who see no value in jedi, spiritual matters or saving the universe. Someone who only values possessions and currency. Someone who doesn't believe in any of that jedi mumbo jumbo. How about a junk dealer? How about Unkar Plutt? But this junk dealer wants to know what's in it for him to take this girl? His payment? The fastest ship in the galaxy and a piece of history: The Millennium Falcon. That works for Plutt. He gets a sweet ship and a new worker. Kylo tells his cousin he and her folks will be back for her soon - once "the trouble" is over.
As Rey grows up in servitude, she tells Plutt about her family again and again. Someday they'll be back to get her. Plutt tells her to get real. There are no more jedi. No one's coming back to get you. And if you think your dad is Luke Skywalker, you're delusional. After all, Luke Skywalker is just a tall tale. The Paul Bunyan of the galaxy.
Luke, run away, far away - Leia
The fear of loss is a path to the dark side...Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. - Yoda
"A hibernation is a covert preparation for a more overt action." - Ralph Ellison
In the aftermath of losing his family, believing his wife and daughter are dead, Luke is completely shattered mentally. He is well aware of the confrontation is coming, but is a fight worth risking everything his family has built up? He desperately tries to find the best place for he and the jedi to hide. He is searching star systems for the original jedi temples. Perhaps they would be the right place to train, meditate and find answers? Then the New Jedi Order's worst fears come true. History is about to repeat itself. As Luke has soldiered on with the new jedi, In parallel, Kylo and Snoke have increased in power. It is time. With Luke temporarily out of the picture, Snoke and Kylo attack the Jedi Academy and destroy the jedi. Luke returns to mourn the jedi (funeral pyre) and has to contemplate what do do next. He's broken, disillusioned, and lost. Where can you possibly go from here? This is a maddening, vicious circle Luke can not seem to remove himself from. He is too broken and disillusioned with his "power." No matter his intentions, is he a menace to society? What good is being strong with the force if everything you touch turns to tragedy? He is King Midas in reverse (thanks, Graham Nash). How do you break this cycle of Skywalker tragedy (which parallels the fate of the galaxy)? We see what the galaxy is like without Luke in TFA. Who is Luke Skywalker and isn't the galaxy better off without him? Luke knows he needs to think...and think...and think...
In those thoughts, Luke senses the faintest bit in the force coming from far way...Jakku. Trusted friend Lor San Tekka drops Luke off on Ahch-To and is given a map with his whereabouts, if needed. Luke asks a favor of San Tekka. Go to Jakku to see if Rey is still alive and to watch over her if she is. Luke's hope is to commune/meditate with the force to find answers.
In the end, Luke learned the hard lesson that Yoda was right about attachments (ROTS, ESB). Luke revisions to the Jedi Code didn't work (or did they?) It shouldn't be Luke Skywalker's responsibility to save the universe. This is the Tragedy of Luke Skywalker, like his father before him,
the more he tries to help others, the more he hurts them. So he goes into self-exile, a hibernation if you will. It's time to accept loss and move on. If there are to be any more jedi, it must be the
will of the force and not Luke's CHOICE...Thus, Rey shows up by the will of the force. She is there to finally undo the Tragic Skywalker Destiny/Cycle. Is there no better symbol of this cycle than that blue lightsaber? We know where it's been. Now Rey has picked up her father's sword and is handing it back to him. It's time to take action. To "set things right." Your daughter and the galaxy depend on you...No pressure.
To me this explanation would be very "satisfying" reasoning to why Luke left. The answers we're seeking are already behind us. Just like watching a foreign movie, sometimes you have to go back and watch it again to understand the ending. Usually the answer is already there. You just have to open your eyes to 'em.
I'm also guessing that Rey won't know Luke's true connection to her until Episode IX. Luke will reveal his connection to Rey on his death bed. It is too loaded and dangerous to do otherwise. Rey needs to find her way on her own, without the pressure of being a Skywalker (see Kylo Ren and how that went) and undoing the past. ...
On the other hand, I think it would be awesome if 15 minutes into Episode VIII - after you've seen Luke and Rey interacting/training/yada - Rey finishes off a sentence with "father." Like, "I've finished off that container of blue milk,
father." Kinda like Luke did to Vader in ROTJ ("So, you've accepted the truth?") Wouldn't that be a fun reveal?
Update: 2/12/16 (using TFA Han/Leia dialogue to clean up)