Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Love is the Answer

To quote Todd Rundgren and Qui Gon Jinn, "love is the answer."

So here's another fun, far-fetched thought/theory... Anakin was supposed to fulfill an old jedi prophecy about a chosen one who brings balance to the force.  Certainly one can make the argument that Anakin did just that.  Although, he had to go to the dark side, as Darth Vader, to destroy the Emperor, bring balance to the force and restore peace to the galaxy,  Therefore, Anakin brought balance to the force, by a show of force (pun intended), with an assist from his loving son, Luke.

But what if there's more to the prophecy and the "love" part?

What if Anakin brought balance to the force, not by violence but love?

Love. Really? Peace and love, man.  Far out.  The Beatles called and they think you're trying too hard.

Hear me out.  Anakin brings balance to the force by breaking the rules and having a family.  THAT'S how he fulfills the prophecy.


Let's continue... Anakin and Padme have two children. One boy (Luke), one girl (Leia). Balance. Both are force sensitive, but only one (Luke) develops his potential with the force.  Unfortunately, Luke discovers the power of his dark side (see ROTJ).  At this time, based on the films, we're not sure how he comes to grips with that.  Let's say there's a force imbalance within the House of Skywalker.

Later. Leia and Han have a child, a boy ironically named Ben, who is strong in the force but develops it for the dark side.  However, Uncle Luke is still in the game, so there is balance in the force.  Then Ben becomes Kylo Ren, takes down the jedi academy and Luke disappears.  Again, we find imbalance.

Now here comes Speculation the Force Ghost.  He says, Luke and his wife have a child, a girl, "Rey."
One girl. One boy.  One light. One dark. The girl assumes the legacy of Anakin Skywalker.  The boy assumes the legacy of Anakin's shadow, Darth Vader. Together they bring balance to the force. Two sides of Anakin Skywalker.

[Aside: Have the Star Wars films ever made it clear what "bringing balance to the force" actually means? Does it mean bringing light and dark to equilibrium? Is balance to the force just a synonym for peace? Is this why the jedi has such trouble interpreting the prophecy? For my purposes, I interpret it as being a tad more complex.  As it is the natural way of things to ebb and flow.  Like a pendulum.  As soon as things are going too far to one way, they start to swing the other. So the more evil there is in TGFFA, the more good tries to rise up to take it down.  And then it swings the other way...]

To circle back, Anakin broke the rules and brought balance to the force.  It may not be the way the old school Jedi would've liked, but the prophecy was true. Thus, through love and family, Anakin Skywalker fulfilled his destiny. He brought balance to the force and the galaxy. Good on you, Anakin.

The End...or is it?

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