Tuesday, December 1, 2015


This blog introduction would be so much cooler if it were written as a Star Wars crawl...maybe later... Anyways...

Welcome to my Star Wars meets teaching blog.  More than I'd like to admit, Star Wars is probably the reason I became a teacher.  Nothing formed and entertained my imagination more than the original three Star Wars films.  This was especially true during the time between the first and second films.  Imagine (pun intended) a time when there were no DVDs or even VHS tapes to watch a Star Wars movie over and over.  I grew up during that time.  All the years of waiting between viewings, playing with the toys, memorizing the trading cards, reading the books (including the proverbial record/book read-along), listening to the John Williams soundtrack, and drawing countless interpretations and new adventures led to all kinds of ideas and Star Wars plot theories... I scrutinized every piece of information I could get my hands on [do you know how wrong those Empire Strikes Back trading cards character bios turned out?] to help remember what I saw on screen, and try to understand what it was all about.  The driving need to KNOW led to other "planets" to discover: music, art, film, literature, poetry... Is the feeling of discovering a new/old band/TV series/classic film just chasing the old memory, some psychological echo of that need to see the next Star Wars film...to see what happens next? And know more about that galaxy far, far away.

I'm sure the answer is yes. All that thinking about Star Wars is why it's hard not to make a Star Wars connection to everything. It's deep in my soul, man.  This is why I feel the need to share... For my purposes here, instead of "Confucius says", I'd like to share what one Star Wars obsessed teacher has to say. Why not share your thoughts too?

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