Thursday, January 7, 2016

There's Symbolism The Force Awakens

If there's one thing my students goof on me, besides my Star Wars references, there's my penchant for pointing out symbolism.  In delivering a hint at symbolism, my favorite method of choice is to cough into my hand (these days I should probably should be using the crook of my arm) while exclaiming SYMBOLISM!! And then acting like I was just clearing my throat...Most likely, I'm the only one that finds it funny...

So imagine we're reading Lord of the Flies aloud in class.  Jack hits Piggy in the face and Piggy's glasses are partly broken. [ahem! SYMBOLISM!]

Simba is walking behind Mufasa and find his foot touching down inside his father's enormous footprint. [ahem! SYMBOLISM!]

You get the idea...

I got a chance to see The Force Awakens a few weeks back and couldn't help but go all English teacher on that film...[aside: No, I did not do my coughing/Symbolism thing...I did lean over to tell my buddy, "I didn't know Voldemort was in the this movie" when Snoke appeared on screen. Forgive me.]

So here are some moments of symbolism I couldn't help noticing... later I will add what I think they mean...what do YOU think these mean?...:

- Rey goes down some stairs in Maz's castle and opens Pandora's, a trunk and finds Anakin/Luke's blue lightsaber. Later, she is seen going up some stairs, actually a lot of stairs on Ahch-to (sp) to find Luke and attempt to hand over the lightsaber.

- Speaking of handing over lightsabers...Did anyone notice the yin yang of Kylo (Ben Solo) Ren refusing to hand over his lightsaber while Rey is, seemingly, begging Luke to take hers?

- I think everyone who saw this movie saw the symbolism of the "dying of the light" that leads to Kylo doing that bad thing to Han Solo [spoiler alert!]

- The fact an Empire  First Order superweapon is done in again by the same Achilles heel as the previous movies.  Other than the Lucas rhyming thing, is there more to this "same as it ever was" approach to Star Wars plots?...Or is there some symbolic reason these bad dudes keep going back to the same technological terror well and never get it?

- Several of the characters have a talisman: Rey and Anakin/Luke's lightsaber, Kylo with Vader's helmet, Finn with Poe's jacket [waitaminute, didn't Chewie hand Han his jacket...what is it with jackets in this thing?], BB-8 and R2 with maps, Captain Phasma Man, why didn't they give her more to do?!

- Kylo removing his helmet for his father,

- Kylo's wounds (from Rey) [I'm sure they will leave a mark]

- That gaping chasm that, seemingly, just happened to open up between Rey and Kylo and ends their duel.

I only saw TFA once [April 5th can't come fast enough].  What did I miss?

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